Motivated by our sons’ allergies and asthma, and the once in a life-time opportunity to create a future proofed house, in March 2017 we embarked on our building project with the key objective of achieving a healthy, family home.
The journey we have been on, and the home we are priveledgd to now live in, has taken us on a voyage of discovery around health, eco-credientials and sustainability in everything from the building materials to the furnishings we could access and afford.
This website documents some of our learning iand lists those comapnies and manufacturers who helped us be better informed about the choices we can make, and the impact what we buy can have on our health, living environment and the wider world. #HealthyHouseHeroes
Elinor & Born
www.DegreeArt.com www.OurParks.org.uk